Monday, March 5, 2007

The Representatives are in Action!

Okay okay, so I know I promised you all it would be up Monday. Technically, the blog was done on Monday at 11:47, but there were still things that needed tweaked. I'm sorry! I hope early Tuesday counts in your books for something! :)

The Representatives are up! All you have to do is click the banner at the top of the blog page under the header. There are links on the Facebook account, on our myspace, and on our website. The link is also

Feel free to read up on information, ask questions at, and then sign up!

We want to thank you for all the support you have given us, and let you all have a chance to be a part of To Them To Us. We hope that with program, everyone can be a part of this organization and further the awareness of teenage depression and suicide.

Remember, us three can only do so much. We need all of you to make the difference!

Check it out, sign up, and start Representing!

(I can't believe I just said that!)


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